WEEKLY    1/16/2011          

Department Announcements

Well It looks like William is still out for a bit so lets all keep him in mind and wish him a speedy recovery!  Also let's cut back on the smoking a little guys, really the time spent while smoking.  Being allowed to smoke at your convience is a privillege.  You have a dirty, long, and often times soaked at the end of the shift type job and we understand that.  But also keep in  mind that you are paid to be productive for the position in which you were hired in as.  Do not let one bad apple spoil the barrel.  The same goes for the non-smokers that like to walk around the restaurant when they could be doing weekly sideworks.  Last but not least stay ahead and not behind.  If you have time to get the work done promptly then get it done.  That type of work ethic makes you appear to be a strong worker and dedicated employee.  When you are constantly seen as taking your time or playing catch up through out the shift, even if you can catch it up you are viewed as a weak link.  Those that are ahead will never see your face while those that are behind can only watch your back in life guys.....something to think about!

